Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

this is a work of photoshop art that i did a few weeks ago with a picture of me and juanita it came out pretty dang good i if i say so me self

Monday, February 21, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Day After Party
No one got drunk b/c it was a non-drunk(no beer, wines, and that type of drinks were allowed). Currently playing some raw 2 with Huston.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Superhero Persona
Your Superhero Persona by couplandesque:
Your Name Patrick
Superhero Name The Ferret
Super Power Incredible Stamina
Enemy The Cheating Boyfriend
Mode Of Transportation City Bus
Weapon Computer Parts
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Your Name Patrick
Superhero Name The Ferret
Super Power Incredible Stamina
Enemy The Cheating Boyfriend
Mode Of Transportation City Bus
Weapon Computer Parts
Quiz created with MemeGen!
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Birthday info

hey all sup thursday is my 21st birthday. i have much in plans to do on thursday, friday and staturday. frist thursday me and my girlfriend are going to see Hitch the movie with Will Smith. Friday going out to dinner @ the Steak house out on Jefferson Road in Rochester, NY and having cake when we get back to the house. On Saturday, Feburary 12, 2005 I will be throwing a killer shin dig here with a few buddies of mine. it is going to major fun. there will be a lan party of Halo 2 in the house of 3 vs 3 team game.

Saturday, February 05, 2005
Me and Juanita

This is a pitcure of me and juanita. We spend some good time together. I really like her so much that some day we might tie the knot in 2008. we met in may @ Henrietta campus. We are really getting to know each other slowly each day.

Friday, February 04, 2005
JibJab comments

Last i was watching the jokes about presedent bush's 2nd term in office from they have the most funiest politicial cartoons/ satire cartoons out on the web.

i find that is a good source of hummor on line
Thursday, February 03, 2005
currently my new mods that i got from i have to tweak the them better and make them run right though. Halo 2 has kept me enjoying XBox Live. in the lastest mod of armada II i use the concorde ship as the main mobile construction ship carrier of construction ships it is loaded with borg phasers.
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